1. Any person who has reached his/her 18th birthday. Must have proof of ID if asked.
2. A person with amateur standing.
3. A person who has submitted the minimum donation ($40) required to play.
1. All participating players are asked to make a minimum $40 donation. Players will be asked to register and pay/verify pre-payment prior to joining their team on game day.
2. All players who registered but cannot attend the game are asked to still make the $40 donation, as a roster spot was held for that player.
1. Each team may have up to 15 players on the roster.
2. A maximum of 10 players will play the field at one time. Players can be rotated in and out at any time. If a team has less than 10 players, the opposing team will either loan a player to play catcher or not play all 10 in the field as to have an even game. Loaned players should make a reasonable attempt at making plays.
3. Up to 15 players can be in a batting lineup, even those who did not field the previous inning. However, anyone in the batting order at the start of the game must remain in the lineup the entire game, in that order, even if they do not field. The Garton Family Charity's Board of Directors can enforce exceptions for injuries or other unique situations, as we see fit.
1. The tournament consists of 4 teams, which will be seeded. #1 will play #4 and #2 will play #3 in the Semi-Finals. The two winning teams will play in the championship game, while the two losing teams will play in the 3rd Place game.
2. Each game will be 6 innings or 1 hour, whichever occurs first. Games may go over the 1 hour limit only to complete a full inning or to break a tie. No new inning will begin after time has expired unless it is tied, in which case it will continue until a winner is decided.
1. Garton Family Charity does not provide insurance for the players or spectators involved in this tournament. Insurance is the responsibility of each individual player. Likewise, there is not insurance to cover lost or stolen articles.
1. Managers are held responsible for the actions of each and every member of their team. Any mediation and/or final decisions will be made by the Executive Directors of the Garton Family Charity Board.
1. A limit of 5 over the fence home runs will be permitted per team, each home run following the limit, will result in an out.
2. Base runners may not make contact or interfere with an opposing player. If contact or
interference is made, then that base runner is automatically out.
3. Courtesy Runner Rule: Courtesy runner can be used once per inning or in the event of an
injury. The batter who made the last out is eligible to serve as courtesy runner.
4. Because this event is designed for fun, there are no walks or strikeouts. There is also no limit on foul balls.
5. A player must swing the bat all the way through - there are no bunts of any kind.
All participating players, volunteers, and spectators acknowledge understand that:
1. Participation is voluntarily and of your own free will.
2. There are certain risks and hazards involved in participating in softball that may result
in injury or death to me or other players, including, but not limited to those hazards associated with weather conditions, playing conditions, equipment and other participants.
3. Sliding into base is dangerous to me and other players and may result in injury or death.
4. That the very nature of the game of softball is hazardous and risky, including, but not limited to, the acts of pitching, throwing, fielding and catching of the ball, the swinging of the bat, running, jumping, stretching, sliding, diving, and collisions with other players and with stationary objects, all of which can cause serious injury or death to me and other players.
5. All participants voluntarily elect to accept and assume all risks of injury incurred or suffered by players while practicing or playing as a member of the team so designated, while serving in a non-playing capacity as a team member during practice or play by other teams or by other players on your team, and while on or upon the premises of any and all of the fields arranged for by your team or league for practice or play.
6. All participants release, discharge and agree not to sue Garton Family Charity and The City of Wadsworth for any claim, damages, costs or cause of action which you have or may in the future have as a result of injuries or damages sustained or incurred by you.
Remember, this is a charity tournament. Good sportsmanship and self control are
essential. Have fun!